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Introducing a new range of IRMS water standards

Elemental Microanalysis launches eight new water standards for IRMS.

Elemental Microanalysis is pleased to announce the release of a new suite of water standards for stable isotope analysis, developed by our in-house R&D team. 

Created using a selection of enriched and depleted waters, as well as natural waters from around the globe, this new product range includes five waters that are designed to mimic the variation in natural isotopic values found on Earth, plus three enriched waters.

These standards can be used as cost-effective working references and quality control standards for anyone analysing hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in aqueous samples for a wide range of research fields such as palaeoclimatology, hydrology, oceanography, and geochemistry. The three enriched waters are useful in applications such as biomedical research, e.g. measuring metabolic rates and total energy expenditure.

Part No. Description δ2H V-SMOW (‰) δ18O V-SMOW (‰)
B2240 2H & 18O Antarctic water IRMS standard, 30 ml -447.88 -65.95
B2241 2H & 18O Arctic water IRMS standard, 30 ml -251.56 -37.33
B2242 2H & 18O Greenland water IRMS standard, 30 ml -111.23 -15.3
B2243 2H & 18O Icelandic water IRMS standard, 30 ml -50.11 -7.05
B2244 2H & 18O Desert water IRMS standard, 30 ml 0.86 0.43
B2245 2H & 18O Slightly enriched water IRMS standard, 30 ml 79.69 10.28
B2246 2H & 18O Moderately enriched water IRMS standard, 30 ml 1348.78 70.93
B2247 2H & 18O Very enriched water IRMS standard, 30 ml 2505.97 248.43
V-SMOW is the primary reference standard Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water. 


Click here to view this product range on our website, or download the PDF below for more information.

Elemental Microanalysis grew from small beginnings as a microanalytical laboratory to its current form as a leading manufacturer and supplier of consumables, standards, supplies, and other products for elemental analysers. We operate from our purpose-built factory and laboratory complex in Devon, UK. Our original microanalytical laboratory is now known as ‘Elemental Lab’. 

Elemental Lab recently participated in the IAEA Water Stable Isotope Intercomparison (WICO 2024) along with over 250 other laboratories. Independent proficiency tests are an important tool for laboratories to show evidence of their performance and to ensure that their analytical results can be trusted. All Elemental Lab results were classified as the top category, ‘Satisfactory’ (other categories included ‘Questionable’ and ‘Unsatisfactory’), allowing users of Elemental’s IRMS water standards great confidence in Elemental’s measurements.  

When you purchase Elemental’s standards, you are purchasing the same standards Elemental Lab uses every day in our UKAS 17025 accredited analytical laboratory. All products that Elemental Microanalysis manufactures in-house use our ISO 9001:2015 accredited quality system.

If you would like to order these products, reach out to our friendly sales team or register⁠ to view our product pricing and purchase online.⁠ Elemental Microanalysis has over 45 years’ experience manufacturing and supplying quality products with exceptional service and affordable pricing.


Additional Information available: New product range - IRMS water standards.pdf
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